If you have recently made a decision to follow Jesus, your next step is to join us for our "New to Faith" group. These run regularly in your location and are the best way to kickstart your personal relationship with God. Fill in the form below and our team will be in touch about when the next group is starting!
Learn More About Jesus
We know that saying Yes to Jesus and giving your life to Christ is the most important and best decision you'll ever make.

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We would love to help you take your first or next steps in your walk with Christ. The videos and resources on this page are designed to help provide some basic, biblical understanding and practical tools to empower you in your own personal relationship with Jesus.
It is our prayer that through the videos and resources on this page, you would discover that God loves you, He thinks you're a champion, and He has a plan and purpose for your life.
Welcome from Pastor Geoff and Lee
01: Following Jesus
What is a Christian?
Regardless of what you may have already heard about the bible or church services, it’s the opportunity of having a personal relationship with Jesus that we are going to be talking about in this lesson.
Ephesians 2 says:
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
We can’t earn a relationship with Jesus, it is a gift but we do have to receive it. At Life Church, we call this saying 'Yes to Jesus'. Real Christianity, is based on a relationship with God, it starts by understanding that God loves and accepts you for who you are!
02: Living Life as a Champion
God's Love and Grace!
Many people make the decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and have a genuine desire to follow Him but if no one teaches us how to do life God’s way, we can slip back into old habits. We need to adopt a new way of living.
This video talks about God's loving and forgiving heart for us. Even though we make mistakes, God's love for us never changes!
03: Building Blocks to Growth
Four Practical Tools to help Our Relationship with Jesus
Once we have become a Christian we need to grow in our relationship with God. God wants us to love Him and love what He loves! He wants to spend time with you and He wants you to get to know Him more.
It is a very exciting thing to be working in partnership with God. He wants us to grow, so let’s work with Him; spending time with Him, reading His word and making friends with other Christians. As we do this we will be amazed at how quickly we will grow.
In this video, we will look at the practical tools and building blocks that are important for us to grow in relationship with God.
More Tools
Bible App
The free Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online which makes readings God's word accessible everywhere. There are great reading plans and devotionals are available through the YouVersion Bible app.
Join a Life Group
The best way to get connected at Life Church is by joining a Life Group. A great way to meet with like-minded people, be encouraged and prayed for by name! Find a Life Group that suits you today!
Praise and Worship
We've prepared a Spotify Playlist for you to be listening to Praise and Worship throughout the week. The atmosphere around you is so important! Let's make a conscious decision to trust and lean in to God.
04: Living a Life of Example
The Good News
When something awesome happens in your life – you just want to tell everyone you know!!
As followers of Christ, we have the good news that Jesus came to give us a full life here on earth and eternal life in heaven. As Christians, God has chosen us to be the evidence of his life-changing power here on earth.
This video talks about our opportunity to be a blessing to the people in our world, and talking to them about the good news that they can know Him.
05: Water Baptism
A New Life
In this video, we talk about the significance of water baptism and this powerful way to publically celebrate what Jesus has done in our life, and declare that we want to live for Him.
The bible encourages us in Matthew 28:19 to "To go therefore and make disciples of all the nations BAPTISING them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to be water baptised or would like to know about water baptism, complete the below form. We would love to connect with you!
06: The Holy Spirit
Our Helper
To live out this new life, Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples about the Holy Spirit, describing Him as a counsellor, teacher, and helper.
This next video will cover the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, that helps us to live God's way. We also explore the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A very unique gift that allows us to experience God's power, love and grace in a personal way.
If you would like to know more about baptism in the Holy Spirit, complete the form on the top of this page and join a 'New to Faith' Group! We would love to connect with you!