About Us
Our Vision

We exist to reach people with the love, grace and power of the Gospel by building a large, Bible-based church where the presence of God is seen and felt, empowering people to lead in every area of life.
The LIFE Distinctives
Here at Life Church we have 4 things we'd love everyone of us, and everything we do, to be known for. We call these our LIFE distinctives.
We are Loving, Inspiring, Fun and Empowering.
You belong here! Each of us are known and loved by God, and we do what we can to help others discover this for themselves as well.
We hope each of us walk away from Sunday services, Life Groups or Life Teams being inspired. We can do so much more when we are united and encouraging each other!
Life with God is so much FUN! And we believe life together as His Church should always be fun too. Joy comes from God, and it comes in abundance!
Each of us have a unique God-call on our lives, and we see it our immense privilege to help empower you in unlocking and releasing that!
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What We Believe
We are part of the Australian Christian Churches movement. Here is a link to their Statement of Beliefs.
Our Team
Meet the Leadership team of Life Church.
Our Ministries
Life Church is so much more than a service on a Sunday. We have several ministries we run in and for our local communities.
You Belong Here
Age specific programs
More Ministries
Leadership Academy
We are passionate about empowering people to lead in every area of life. Leadership Academy is an incredible online program that will do just that!
Brisbane Christian College
At our Brisbane South location, one of our ministries is Brisbane Christian College. From Pre-Prep to Grade 12, it is a Christian private school that is considered the preferred place of learning.
Life Early Learning Centre
At our Brisbane South location we have an Early Learning Centre on the same site as our Brisbane Christian College Pre-Prep classrooms.
Life School Age Care
At our Brisbane South location we have a before and after school and vacation care program on the same campus as our Primary School of Brisbane Christian College.