
We are created to do life in community and on purpose. Our Get Connected and Get Involved events will help you to find great people to do life with and help you take your next steps to discovering your God-designed purpose.

Get Connected

We are not created to do life alone. At Get Connected you will have the opportunity to meet some of the Life Church team, hear about who we are and where we're going as well as how you can get connected into community through our Life Groups. Get Connected is held regularly on Sundays and includes light refreshments as well as a supervised kids program.

Get Involved

Each of us have been created on purpose and for purpose. Life Church is committed to assisting and empowering people to lead in every area of life. We believe that joining a team and serving together is the best way to discover your God-designed purpose. Get Involved is held regularly on Sundays and includes light refreshments as well as a supervised kids program.


Next Step?

Join a Life Team

Each of us have been created on purpose and for purpose. Life Church is committed to assisting and empowering people to lead in every area of life. We believe that joining a team and serving together is the best way to discover your God designed purpose.

Join a Life Group

There is something powerful about a small group of people who regularly pray for each other by name, celebrate each other’s wins and enjoy doing life together. You were not created to do life alone, you were created for community. When you join a Life Group you will find that real life change happens in the context of community.

Grow with Jesus

If you want to know more about living an empowered life as a Christian, have recently said ‘Yes to Jesus’ or reconnected with Him, your next step is our Kickstart Life Group. Kickstart is a small group where you will build friendships, be able to ask questions and discover how to be empowered to live the life God has for you.

Get Water Baptised

Water baptism is a significant event in the life of every Christian. It is where we make a public declaration of our commitment to Jesus and decision to live for Him.

Baby Dedication

We love family at Life Church and one of the greatest privileges we have is establishing our family in God’s house. We believe in dedicating our children to God, that they may grow up knowing Jesus personally and live the life He has created them for.

Leadership Development

Grow in your Leadership skills to help you in caring for people, gathering and growing team, and speaking vision. Investing in your leadership will empower you to build God's house, and excel at home and at work!


Want to contact us? Click below

It might be daunting to walk into a room of strangers. But if you give us your details, we’ll reach out and introduce ourselves. Then you’ll have a friendly face when you come for the first time!