
Welcome to Life Church Online!

Here at Life Church, we have a place for everyone to call home and we want you to know that you belong here. Life Church Online is our online service which streams every Sunday. We love this opportunity to connect, worship and pray together as the Church, no matter where you are. If you are looking for a church but can't make it to one of our location services this Sunday, we can't wait to meet you! This page introduces more of who we are as a church, and how you can get involved. If you would like prayer or to connect more with our team, please use the links below.


Find a Life Group. Life Church is a place where you belong and the best way to get connected is to join a Life Group.

We’d love to gift you a free coffee this Sunday, and reach out to introduce ourselves! We know it’s always nice to have a familiar face when you're going somewhere for the first time - so we’d love to connect.