Dear Life Churchers,

Welcome to our shared, and yet very personal adventure through God’s Word.

The theme for this year is - ‘The Word’. 

We get to know God better through intimacy with the Word of God. Our goal for 2024 is that each of us draw closer to God by increasing our relationship with His Word.

Each month there will be a fresh reading plan that focuses on a book of the bible. Our preaching will follow this biblical path so that our Sunday teaching will be aligned with our personal Bible reading devotions. This S.O.A.P. journal will be available for you all year so that we can individually journal what God is saying to us as we spend time in his Word.

Let’s go on this adventure together toward greater intimacy with Him and a deeper love for His word.

Ps Geoff & Lee

This month we are looking at the Psalms and a few wonderful worship moments in Scripture. Our focus is to deepen and strengthen our personal conviction of worship. We want to be a church who praise in tough times and in times of great blessing. Jesus calls us to relationship, and worship is a vital component of that relationship. So this month we will be diving into worship in scripture!

Week 1

1 July - Psalm 1
2 July - Psalm 3
3 July - Psalm 5
4 July - Psalm 8
5 July - Psalm 9
6 July - Psalm 16
7 July - Revelations 4

Week 2

8 July - Revelations 5
9 July - Psalm 22
10 July - Psalm 23
11 July - Psalm 27
12 July - Psalm 29
13 July - Psalm 31
14 July - Psalm 34

Week 3

15 July - Psalm 46
16 July - Psalm 51 & 2 Samuel 11
17 July - Psalm 61
18 July - 2 Chronicles 20:1-30
19 July - Psalm 62
20 July - Psalm 63
21 July - Psalm 66

Part 4

22 July - Luke 1:39-56
23 July - Psalm 84
24 July - Psalm 100
25 July - Psalm 103
26 July - Luke 10:25-41
27 July - Psalm 118
28 July - Psalm 121
29 July - Psalm 127
30 July - Psalm 133
31 July - Psalm 145