We are uniting in 21 days of prayer and fasting as a church. Our primary heart and desire in these days is to grow closer to God. Prayer and fasting are things Jesus teaches us to do in order to hear from God, and experience His presence in our lives. We will also be believing for miracles of healing, restoration, and salvation. There’s power in a church united, so we are asking all of us to join in on these 21 days of praying, and invite you to include fasting in this time as well. 

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

What are you believing for as you pray & fast?


Opportunities to Join Together in Prayer


South Prayer Meetings

Sunday Pre-Service Prayer

7:55-8:10am in the Foyer every Sunday

Monday Morning Prayer

6:30-7.15am at the Life Centre
21, 28 January & 4 February

Thursday Night Prayer

7-8pm at the Life Centre
23, 30 January & 6 February


North Prayer Meetings

Wednesday Night Prayer

6-7pm in the Auditorium
22, 29 January & 5 February


CQ Prayer Meetings

Tuesday Morning Prayer

6:30am in the Auditorium
21, 28 January & 6 February

Thursday Night Prayer

7pm - 8pm in the Auditorium
23, 30 January & 6 February


We Pray Because...

Prayer is a privilege we are given to connect with God relationally; to talk to God and listen to Him. We can pray anywhere and anytime. Prayer empowers us to live supernaturally, it is a key that God has given us to unlock His will on earth as it is in heaven. Over these 21 days we will be praying together, united in community as a church. Our heart is that as a church we will have fresh revelation of who Jesus is and His presence and power in our lives as we draw closer to Him through prayer. 

Each day we will have a different prayer focus for us to be united in prayer. Follow us on social media for prayer updates. Don’t be limited by that, go on a personal adventure with Jesus, pray for your family, your walk with Jesus, His plan for your life and His power in our Church.


We Fast Because...

The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favour and the blessing of God in the life of a Christian. Fasting is a practice mentioned both in the Old Testament of the Bible, and by Jesus Himself, and it has incredible power for our lives today.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33

Alongside our 21 days of prayer, we invite you to fast as well. Fasting is refraining from something for a spiritual purpose. Traditional biblical fasting was going without food in order to draw closer to God. By fasting, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and sensitive to the things of God.

In Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus addresses three specific practices of a Christian: giving, praying and fasting. Jesus said, “When you give…” and “When you pray…” and “When you fast...”. He made it clear that fasting, like giving and praying is a normal part of Christian life.  

  • We fast to seek God’s face; to know Him more

  • We fast to increase our faith

  • We fast for God to do something in us that He has never done before

  • We fast to break strongholds in our own lives 

  • We fast for breakthrough

  • We fast to seek direction from God. 

Fasting weakens the flesh and strengthens our spirit. Closeness with God is our goal and fasting is the method. 


How Do I Start?

Before we reach January 20, Pray and ask God: “I’d like to join my church in a 21 day prayer and fast, is there something in my life that I can fast that will help me to hear you clearer?" The goal of fasting is to sacrifice the desires of our flesh to increase our focus and attention on the things of God.

Some common examples are:

  • Sun Up to Sun Down - drinking water during the day, and eating at night.
  • One Meal a Day - Choose to fast (go without) one meal a day.
  • Selective Fast - Choose something that will be a sacrifice to go without.

Remember, fasting is not a detox or hiatus. Fasting is making a deliberate sacrifice so that you can spend more time with God, and hear His voice clearer.

Our primary desire when we fast is to grow closer to God. You may also be believing for a miracle of healing, restoration, or salvation for a family member or friend. Once you know why you’re fasting, use one of the prayer cards at church to write it down, so that we can all unite together in praying for it.

Now you have a fast in mind, make a plan to walk it out over these 3 weeks, including intentionally putting time in your calendar each day to pray.