
What is this Role?

This person uses our lighting rig and lighting console to help create an awesome atmosphere of worship. They also compliment all sections of our service to ensure that what is happening on platform is easy for people to see and is not distracting.

Our main goal: to DISARM, not to DISTRACT


Why does this Role Exist?

This role exists to:

  • support and endorse the vision of Senior Leadership and Creative Pastor.
  • uphold and promote the culture, core convictions and positive name of Life Church both within the church and the community.

  • support in every way possible the smooth running of Life Church services.

  • advance the cause of the Gospel of Jesus


Skills to Develop

  • Excellent musical and listening skills 
  • An eye for colour and effective colour mixing 
  • Understanding of timing, tone and song structure 
  • Ability to adapt and improvise 
  • Understanding of technical terminology and application 
  • In depth understanding of the lighting console and fixtures 
  • Advanced troubleshooting skills 
  • Eye for detail 
  • In depth understanding of the role lighting plays in services 
  • Ability to think quickly and stay calm under pressure

What to Prepare Midweek:

  • Listen to the playlist to familiarise yourself with each song paying particular attention to song structure and where the mood of the music changes in each song
  • Begin to prepare an outline of the cues you need to build, colours you want to use and any effects.
  • Be prepared for any special occasions or items 

Before and During Rehearsals/Soundchecks

  • Upon arrival, switch on all the equipment and test everything! 
  • Troubleshoot if needed as early as possible. 
  • Before rehearsal, build as many cues as you can (one song per page on the console) or drag and drop cues other people have made. Try to get as much as you can done in preparation for rehearsal. 
  • During rehearsal, rehearse all songs and transitions with the band and vocals editing and updating cues if necessary. Pay close attention to the mood and beat of the music and make sure the lights compliment and don't draw focus. 

During the Service

  • Make sure there is light on the stage at all times during the praise and worship set. 
  • Listen carefully to the Music Director for cues within songs and transitions. 
  • Keep your eyes on the platform as much as possible. 
  • Listen to your Production Director for transition countdowns. 
  • Be ready for any lighting changes or song reprises
  • Be prepared for things to change/not work/break and have quick solutions on hand 

Tips and Tricks

  • Stick to a colour palette of 2 - 3 colours at a time
  • Don't use strobe lights
  • Keep the lights above the line on the back wall, so we don't blind the congregation
  • Avoid using excessive amounts of red light 
  • Honour your teammates, don't criticise, edit or delete someone else's cues 
  • Use lighting to build atmosphere not to distract from the service
  • Listen to your Production Director 
  • Have a lot of fun!