
What is this Role?

Our Worship Leaders are charged with leading the direction of praise & worship in a service. Our whole team are worship leaders from all around the auditorium, but those rostered specifically in this role are reading and leading the room into powerful worship. We identify where our church are at as they walk in, and help get them from there to a place where they are lifting their hands in surrender and exaltation of Jesus Christ who is always worthy to be praised.

Our Song Leaders assist our Worship Leaders in this, but rather than focusing on the service as a whole, they focus in on some songs within the service, supporting the vision of the Worship Leader.


Why does this Role Exist?

This role exists to:

  • support and endorse the vision of Senior Leadership and Creative Pastor.
  • uphold and promote the culture, core convictions and positive name of Life Church both within the church and the community.

  • support in every way possible the smooth running of Life Church services.

  • advance the cause of the Gospel of Jesus


FAQs for this role

What are the hand signals we use to direct the band?

We use hand signals to lead the band where we want to go in the song. You can never signal too much - it only ever adds confidence to where we are going. But the MD is there to call the shots if you don't, so if you just want to follow a regular structure, you won't need to signal.
Don't be afraid or timid with your hand signals - you're leading everyone, so don't be afraid to show the church your hand signals. Aim for minimal distraction... Sometimes twisting your arm tightly behind your back in an attempt to subtly signal Chorus can be more distracting than just doing it by your side.

What is my role as a worship leader during ministry time?

Everything we do works towards creating or maintaining an atmosphere of worship so that the preacher has the best platform to minister from and call people to repentance and relationship with God.

So during ministry time, you are there to support the preacher. Each preacher operates differently, so just watch them attentively regardless. You will need to lead the band to where you feel/see the preacher wanting to go. All of you going to the wrong place together is better than all of you going to different places - so back yourself with your call, and remain flexible and attentive.

If we know ahead of time that there will be ministry time, you can plan this with the MD after talking it through with the preacher. Plan potential songs you can go to, areas to build and drop etc.

Remember, if people are being prayed for up the front, it is hard for them to hear what is being prayed if we are running at 8/10 dynamics for 90% of the time. Watch your balance of up and down, and ver on the side of down (3-4/10). Keep those in the room captivated, whilst allowing those at the front to be prayed for.

Trust that God has placed you there on purpose and to minister - His Spirit is in you and operating through you, so be confident in that.

What is the best way for me to communicate the vibe / dynamics I'm after (regardless of my musical knowledge)?

We are all bringing different things to the table - so don't compare yourself to others and think you're not 'good enough'. God hasn't called you to be everyone else - He's gifted you purposefully for what He want's YOU to do and bring.
If you're not sure how to say what you have imagined - just chat with the MD. Best to have this chat well before Sunday so you have time to work it out together. That way the MD can be on your page, see your vision, and communicate that to the band.
The more of these conversations you have, the more confident you will get to communicate your vision.

When should I speak during a service, and when should I not?

The best filter is: "Is this adding to the moment, or filling in silence?"
Don't be afraid of gaps. If you're nervous about the gaps, you'll end up saying something unintentional or not thought through.
When you're preparing, it's great to plan out a moment or two where you have something to speak in to it. So you might plan ahead of time that you want to encourage people before the first worship song. Prepare what you are going to say beforehand so that you can clearly communicate the heart and culture of our church, pastors and God.

Less is more my friend.
And an encouragement to lift your hands never goes amiss.

What communication should the WL + SL have midweek?

It's great for you two to be on the same page before you turn up Sunday morning! Often this looks like a conversation between WL, SL + MD during the week (before rehearsal if there is one) via phone call or text.
Do what works best for you and those you are serving with - remember that you might feel confident to just roll in to the weekend, but if you can communicate well, you are equipping several others to feel confident to minister too. Communication is not only for your sake, but those around you too.

Talk through what you feel God wants to do that weekend. This could be a word or a theme, and it doesn't even have to be explicitly said, but carried in your spirit.

Talk through song flows and dynamics, who will speak where, and where you 'moments' will be.

Also great to talk through the run sheet in case there is anything out of the ordinary.

What communication should the WL + MD have midweek?

It's great for you two to be on the same page before you turn up Sunday morning! Often this looks like a conversation between WL, SL + MD during the week (before rehearsal if there is one) via phone call or text. The MD is then able to communicate all of this to the whole team on your behalf.

Do what works best for you and those you are serving with - remember that you might feel confident to just roll in to the weekend, but if you can communicate well, you are equipping several others to feel confident to minister too. Communication is not only for your sake, but those around you too.

Talk through what you feel God wants to do that weekend. This could be a word or a theme, and it doesn't even have to be explicitly said, but carried in your spirit.

Talk through song flows and dynamics, who will speak where, and where you 'moments' will be.

Also great to talk through the run sheet in case there is anything out of the ordinary.

Should I be wearing something different when I'm leading?

It's important that you are aware of everything you do, say and wear when you are leading. Authority comes from your spirit (from God), but additional to that, if you dress nicely you are respecting the platform and our church, which encourages them to respect you too.

If you're younger this is more important. Dress mature (still have your personality) to remove as many barriers as possible before you open your mouth.


Hand Signals



Hand in the shape of a C



2 open fingers pointing down



2 fingers together

End Song

End Song

A closed fist



Every leader does this slightly different, but they're usually easy to interpret.

Die down

Die down

Every leader does this slightly different but it's also usually fairly easy to interpret