
Welcome to Creative!

Our Vision:

To reach people with the love, grace and power of the gospel

By building a large bible-based church, where the presence of God is seen and felt,

empowering people to lead in every area of life.


Who We Are

We're so glad you're keen on joining the team! When it comes to serving Jesus and building His Church, we believe the greatest contribution any person can bring to our team is passion, commitment and enthusiasm.

We are not a team of Stars – we are an All Star Team – no personal agendas – we are here to serve God and bring glory to His name. God has gifted us so that we can serve Him. Jesus himself said that serving is greatness (Matthew 20:26-27), and we desire that servanthood would become the core of our motivation as individuals, and as a team.

Romans 12 in the Message Bible expands on some excellent principals to apply to our lives – right down to the very basic principle ‘to get along with each other’! It is our goal and commitment to create a productive, encouraging, inclusive atmosphere whenever we are together – we are all here to achieve a common mission and must be committed to helping each other achieve that mission. We are here to serve JESUS & the vision and leadership of Life Church!

Following are some brief overviews of our expectations of you, and what you can expect from us, so that we can become a family that has a lot of fun serving together!


Our Expectations

Being Punctual is very important! At all times – rehearsals, Sunday sound check, etc. We are just like a microcosm of the church (body) – if we have the hand ready to go but no arm attaching it – it cannot function. So to show our love and respect for each other, and our church, we are always punctual.

Service Attendance is critical at all times and wherever possible to be here when the doors are open. When you are not rostered, this is your opportunity to take part in the worship service and enjoy – after all WE ARE THE CHURCH! When we come, let’s come early, help others feel comfortable in coming to church, be a true worshipper in all we do, not just on stage.

Team Nights are once a term at Brisbane South. It’s essential that every person in our team be at every Team Night, no matter what role you serve in. This is our time to build life-long friendships, be encouraged and inspired, and to worship God together as a team. We also get a chance to deep-dive into our crafts in ways we don't often get the space to!

Excellence is bringing your new best. This will look different for each of us every time we serve, as we are always growing. But we expect that each and every one of us will be investing in our gifts and practicing so that we can be bringing excellence every service. We have a commitment to introducing new songs regularly into the life of the church. The lyrics, chord charts and audio for these new songs can be found on Elvanto. It is very important that you do all of the practice for these new songs in your own time, so that when we come together at rehearsal we can focus on putting all of the parts together with excellence! We have a policy that we do not have music or words on the stage – you must know it to be able to minister it.

Rosters – Our main goal is that we give you an opportunity to use your God given gifts to worship God, and lead others in that from all around the auditorium. For this reason, we are flexible to work in with individual needs (work, family etc) when it comes to rostering. The goal is not the roster, the goal is you discovering and operating in your God-purpose. As soon as you know of any dates you aren’t available, please block them out on Elvanto immediately. If you are rostered on and become unavailable – please message either your Vocal Director, Music Director, or Production Director and then decline it on Elvanto.

Dress Code – Sunday is about bringing our best to God’s house so we can lead people in worship, remember we are representing Christ! Some basic platform guidelines; think 'smart-casual', something that gives you freedom to praise, and something that represents you! Production team are kindly required to wear all black. You can find a comprehensive section on dress code below.

More Info on our Dress Code


What it looks like to join the Creative Team

For our new people we have a basic entrance path of:

Firstly we want to see that you are committed to Christ and to us as a team – that you are a team player – that you have a heart to see our team succeed and will do ‘whatever it takes’ and serve ‘wherever needed’ with the ultimate goal of leading people closer to Jesus.

Next we like to see you committed to attending Church regularly and youth if you are of that age. This shows that you are more interested in the house of God than just having an avenue to use your gift. We do not like an attitude of attending only when you are rostered on, the heart of our team is one of LOVE for the house and God’s people.

We encourage new Musicians and Vocalist team members to get involved straight away in a ‘behind the scenes role’ with our Creative Production team. This will give you an opportunity to see how things work behind the scenes, build relationships, and catch our heart and culture. Once you have been attending Team Night’s for at least 3 months consistently we will then consider whether we feel it is time for you to go onto the platform team roster (ie: Vocals, Musicians, or other Production roles). Anytime you would like to talk to me about where you are up to on this journey I am more than happy to discuss it. It is so much better to communicate than to let thoughts or feelings run around in your head as to what your expectations are etc.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to chat with me. I am here to serve the vision of Life Church, to serve you and see all of God’s potential realised in you! I believe he has a plan for each one of us and I’d love to encourage you to live out that plan.

Pastor JB

Creative Pastor at Life Church


Brisbane Creative Schedule

Team Nights

Once a term we come together as one team (Brisbane South + North) to connect, be encouraged and inspired, and worship God together.
These all in Team Nights are amazing, and not to be missed.
Team Nights are for all Creative team members in Musos + Vocals + Production.

Rehearsal Nights

Every Wednesday night we come together in preparation to bring an extravagant offering of praise and worship – using every creative measure & every given gift in order to draw all people closer to Jesus! These rehearsal nights are every week and in preparation for a Sunday AM service.
Rehearsals are for all team members in Production + Musos + Vocals and happen at your location.


Got questions? Shoot us a message! :)